Drive away with more money in your pocket. Learn about the benefits of financing your next car on a Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) agreement. Check out this handy guide to find out everything you need to know about PCP agreements and how they work.
Are you someone who wants to own your car? Hire Purchase is a popular way to finance a used car, where you pay a fixed monthly payment. This type of credit gives you the option to buy your leased car at the end of your agreement and pay off the remaining balance over 1 to 5 years.
When all monthly payments and the Option to Purchase fee have been made, you'll become the legal owner of the car. Option to Purchase fee should be included in the contract when you take out the Hire Purchase agreement.
If you think Hire Purchase is not for you and you prefer to change your car every few years, Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) may be the option for you. You pay low monthly instalments and have 3 options at the end of your agreement: return your car, renew your agreement or pay a balloon payment to own the car.
Learn more about Personal Contract Purchase (PCP)
The short answer is yes, you can end your finance early. There are different provisions within each finance agreement that allows you to do just that. If you have got through two-thirds of the way through your finance agreement, the options to end the finance agreement early open up.